The relationship between the digital service and the Client is governed by this User Agreement. By using the services of the service and registering a personal account (Account), you by default accept the conditions and requirements reflected in this document and in the Privacy Policy. If the client does not agree with the terms of the service, then its use is not allowed.

I. Eligibility

1. Having read the document, the Client confirms that he has reached the age of majority and carries out all actions in accordance with the law, accepts these Terms, therefore the administration does not prohibit the use of the service.

2. The client confirms that he does not use the resource on behalf of a legal entity.

II. Account rules

1. The service is open for use exclusively for your own purposes. When registering a new account in our system, the Client voluntarily consents to the transfer of his data as part of the online registration procedure. The user agrees that he does not use other people’s data to create an account and excludes attempts to gain unauthorized access to other digital records on the service.

2. The service may suspend financial transactions and temporarily withhold the Client’s funds. This procedure is carried out to prevent hacker attacks and other illegal actions that entail reputational losses for the service or the Client. The deadline is set individually in each case, depending on the duration of the financial and operational investigation and clarification of details (facts) of financial transactions from the payment host or through another chain.

3. The management of the service reserves the right to conduct repeated checks of the provided data and additionally request the required documentation from the Client, including information related to the direct execution of the transaction (passport data, bank card verification, current receipts and statements) regardless of current reason. The client, in turn, must provide such information. In the event that the conditions are not met by an individual, the Service refuses to provide its services, and the deposited amount is returned to the specified details.

4. The management of the service reserves the right to interrupt the operation and dialogue with a client who demonstrates inappropriate behavior, or refuses to provide the documents and/or information required by the administration required to complete the transaction.

5. The management of the service reserves the right to block the transfer and funds of the Client in case of suspicion of violation of this Agreement.

6. The Client confirms that he is responsible for the non-disclosure of confidential information (password, additional and basic protection, main actions and transactions taking place under this Account). The user must understand that any failure to save important registration data opens the risk of unauthorized access by third parties, and this leads to the theft of currency and money from other accounts.

7. The client, using this service, confirms that he does not use it to conduct criminal financial activities, illegal actions with funds or the financing of terrorist acts. It is worth remembering that the online system conducts its own monitoring of accounts. If during such checks it is revealed that the Account is suspicious or illegal transactions have been carried out through it, the service will temporarily suspend the Account, blocking all outstanding financial transactions.

8. The created Account is intended for personal use and not for public use or open access to third parties. The Client is independently responsible for the manipulations carried out and the transfer of information to third parties who have access to the Account data.

III. Services provided by the site

1. The Client orders the services of the service by sending a digital Application through the online platform.

2. After completing the digital Application, the Client instructs, and the Service on behalf of the company and with your voluntary consent, conducts financial transactions with digital ( fiat ) currencies to the account of the other Party.

3. The service provides the Client with the opportunity to exchange digital currency at the moment (do not forget about the current rate).

4. The client, using the online services of the service, personally confirms that he legally owns these funds and voluntarily participates in the transfer of digital currency.

5. After crediting a certain amount from the Client in the amount reflected in the online application, for a certain period of time, the Service transfers digital currency to bank details, unless unforeseen circumstances prevent this.

6. The obligation of the service to transfer digital currency to the Client is considered fulfilled as soon as the specified amount is written off in the shell of the selected Payment system (all financial transactions are reflected in the transaction history).

7. The service can cancel a created online application for the transfer of digital currency in cases where the payment has not been received to the specified account within twenty minutes from the moment of creating this electronic application.

8. The service makes reasonable efforts to guarantee access to the services and the online site itself within the scope of this document. Moreover, the Service has the right to suspend work with the online site during maintenance, and also makes efforts to notify the Client in advance about this stage of work. Consequently, you agree that you are responsible for claims arising from the fact that it is not always possible to use the service or carry out urgent financial transactions.

9. In online transfer requests in which the Source currency in the form of cryptocurrency is selected , the service ensures that the exchange rate is fixed after confirmation of the selected transaction. Until full confirmation is received, the online application is not recalculated in accordance with the exchange rate by more than 0.5%. After twenty minutes, the application is canceled by default.

9.1 V online transfer requests in which cryptocurrency is the received currency: with periodic five-minute updates, the rate is compared. Our exchange service records the amounts in the electronic application with a difference of no more than 0.5%.

9.2 V online exchange requests in which fiat currency is the currency received, the selected rate is recalculated by the system with a five-minute update before the amounts are actually credited by the financial partner.

10. Electronic applications in accordance with which cryptocurrencies are accepted, left in violation of technical regulations , are processed according to the following algorithm:

- the client paid for the online application with a delay of no more than twenty minutes, but the amount was transferred less than or more than the specified amount, then the exchange rate for this online application is automatically recalculated in accordance with exchange data at the time the payment is credited (deviations are allowed within the framework of the exchange rate parser , but no more than 60-120 seconds).

11. If the amount was credited after the cancellation of the online application, then the established exchange rate is recalculated in accordance with the exchange regulations and the rate at the time the payment was credited (the delay is no more than two minutes).

12. Online application is carried out through an electronic payment form on the service, which opens after confirmation. Payment using bank details without confirmation is not possible. Otherwise, the online application will be cancelled.

13. If the Client’s card is blocked by the Security Service, the account is blocked at the first attempt to transfer money. In this case, the Service has the right not to return funds to the Client, so you should be careful.

14. If the online application was paid for by the Client, but the latter changed his mind about carrying out the exchange at the execution stage, then the amount is refunded without three percent, taking into account the established commissions within the financial system. If the electronic application has already been completed, then claims will not be accepted by the exchange service.

15. The service has the right to distribute the terms of partner programs in financial transactions with fiat currency.

16. In accordance with the regulations, crediting to MIR, Visa , MasterCard cards is carried out in the range of several seconds to five days. In 99% of cases, enrollment occurs instantly. Payment in partial transactions is allowed.

17. The service has the right to require the submission of supporting documents and a selfie with documents.

IV. Guarantees, rights and responsibilities of the parties

1. The service bears financial responsibility in the amount of the specified exchange of digital money to the Client, which the latter transferred to complete the online application.

2. The service provides two-way services for the transfer of assets (digital currencies).

3. The service is not responsible for financial costs and erroneous losses resulting from illegal actions of other parties that are impossible to prevent in reality.

4. The client is responsible for the accuracy of the data provided and its completeness. If incorrect information was entered during the online application, the Service is not responsible for possible losses caused by an error when filling out personal information.

5. A confirmation letter is sent to the specified E- mail , which reflects the specified bank details, amounts and date, the correctness of which the Client must independently verify. At the stage of confirming the digital application, the online exchange resource executes the application at the exchange rate.

6. Updating information information is allowed only after repeated confirmation via the E- mail specified when creating the Account.

7. The service is not responsible for the Client’s postponed, unrealized online applications, duplication of which occurred in the exchange or banking system. The client agrees that claims are sent for clarification to the financial institution or to the official website of the payment system. Our Service provides the required assistance to process complaints or fulfill the requirements of a financial partner.

8. If falsification of communication and information flows or a deliberate negative impact on the operation of the software shell of the exchange resource is detected, directly or indirectly related to the Client’s online application, then its execution is blocked until the circumstances are clarified.

9. The Client guarantees that he does not use the Service for multiple exchanges for the purpose of making a profit due to the difference in rates. Otherwise, the Client"s funds and accounts will be blocked.

10. The Client guarantees and undertakes to notify the Service of cases of incomplete or partial non-fulfillment of transactions with an amount different from that specified in the application. Notification to the service must be sent within 14 days after the incident. Otherwise, all disputed funds become the property of the Service, or the Client undertakes to reimburse the funds lost by the Service.

11. The Client guarantees and undertakes to notify the Service of violations in the software system that may or have already damaged the financial and business reputation of the Service.

12. The service is not responsible for partial (selective) failure to comply with these Terms if this was due to force majeure that could not be prevented.

13. The service does not provide its services for the accumulation of funds and other similar services of financial providers.

14. Specialists of the exchange web service may request additional information from the Client (for example, take a selfie photo of the document ).

15. If, after passing the card verification, the Client sends the amount from another account or uses indirect transfer means, then the Service. has the right:

- cancel transactions unilaterally legally,

- withhold 20 percent (compensation for labor costs of the exchange web service);

- return amounts to the source of their crediting.

16. The service may refuse to execute a financial transaction if the transfer of currencies to an open account is carried out without completing an online application, that is, using user web interfaces. These amounts may be returned to the Client minus commission costs.

17. Basic data about the Client and his Account are stored on a secure web server. They cannot be deleted.

18. The duration of the response of the service to the Client’s requests is up to five days from the date of sending the request.

19. The service is not a tax agent, and therefore does not control tax payments. The Client assumes responsibility for paying the main tax costs arising during these transactions.

20. If the service is required to pay tax costs from the Client’s accounts (repayment of debts arising from payment refusal), then the Client makes all required payments to the exchange resource.

21. In any case, when a refund is made, a commission of 5% is withheld, except for point 3 specified in the AML .

V. Unforeseen situations

If, during a force majeure situation, the service or the Client delays in fulfilling these Terms, then this delay is considered a violation of these Terms, therefore, neither party should claim losses arising during the force majeure event.

VI. User identification

1. The client must go through a step-by-step identification procedure. This is an important condition for using the services of an online resource.

2. During the identification procedure, the online resource has the right to request personal information:

2.1. Full name of the Client.

2.2. Information about place of birth.

2.3. Citizenship data.

2.4. Current passport details.

2.5. Information about the place of actual residence (current registration).

2.6. Contact information (zip code, contact phone number, E- mail and other additional information).

2.7. Other personal information in a given format that the service considers necessary for study.

2.8. Scans of your passport/ID card or foreign passport.

2.9. Scans of the document owner (Client) holding an identity document.

2.10. Scans of utility bills indicating the address of a specific person, if the submitted document does not contain information about the actual place of registration (residence).

3. The information provided by the User will be used to identify the Client, determine sources of financing of terrorism, hacker attacks and other financial and credit crimes through the functionality of this online resource and its application, including the mobile application.

4. The service client gives permission to track the flow of information received about him during a given period of activity, as well as for 5 years after account closure in accordance with international data storage standards.

5. The client gives consent to the online resource to conduct an investigation directly or through third parties in order to verify his identity, as well as protect him from financial fraud. Third parties include KYC services and other systems, the choice of which is not limited.

6. Collect, store and study information about the service client in accordance with the basic rules specified in the Privacy Policy.

7. If the service’s management is unable to contact the Client using the specified contact information provided to the system through registration channels on the service’s resources when undergoing mandatory identification, then it is the User who is responsible for monetary expenses incurred during the period of suspension of currency transactions and blocking of this account. By accepting this condition, the Client agrees that he bears full legal responsibility for the accuracy and correctness of personal data.

8. After completing the identification stage, the Client can monitor the relevance of this procedure. If the Client’s personal information changes dramatically, he must update it using the communication tools of the online resource or through his own account. If the service’s management has reasons to believe that the data provided by the User is irrelevant, inaccurate or incomplete, then the service may apply clause 3.3.9 of the Agreement to the Client.

9. During the identification process, the Client gives consent to the online system to conduct various studies in relation to this Party. The service undertakes such research at its own discretion.

VII. Final provisions

1. The provisions of this document are agreed upon with the Client electronically when registering an Account. All these provisions are valid and confirmed by the fact of using the Service.

2. The service unilaterally legally changes and updates specific clauses in the Agreement by publishing these changes on the exchange web service. Partial or complete changes take effect from the moment they are published on the service, unless other deadlines are established separately. The client, at his personal request, can terminate the contractual relationship with the service due to personal disagreement with the updates. The Client must notify the Service of disagreement with the changes made to the Terms in order to terminate the contractual relationship, which is confirmed by a corresponding letter addressed to the registered E- mail .

3. The management of the service has the full right to refuse to provide services to the Client if it was noticed that the rules of the exchange web service were violated partially or completely.

4. Information data posted on the exchange web service (graphics, text information, program codes) is the property of the service, which is protected by copyright.

5. The service is competent to send to the Client’s registered E- mail information about the status of the electronic application and other notifications, which may include advertising messages. The Client can unsubscribe from advertising notifications independently.

6. The client voluntarily confirms that he has read the above provisions and unquestioningly accepts them.