The service provides customers with a number of services and products, for full access to which it is necessary to go through an authentication procedure. To do this, you need to register on the site. The resource administration asks users to provide a number of personal data that will be used for the correct provision of services:

  • last name, first name, patronymic of the user;
  • bank details (card number and expiration date);
  • e-wallet details;
  • E-mail address;
  • cell phone number.

Issues of security and protection of personal data of users are the main direction of the privacy policy.

User information: features of use

The client"s personal data is used for the correct conduct of transactions and financial transactions, operational technical support, as well as in a number of other cases:

  • proper operation of the website, applications, functions and services of the portal;
  • prompt provision of information about the operation of the resource (innovations, modernization, changes in the user agreement, administrative mailings);
  • collection and analysis of statistical data that improve the performance of the resource.

The authentication procedure by confirming personal information is also necessary to identify and eliminate attempts to gain unauthorized access to user accounts for the purpose of fraudulent illegal actions.

Access to user data

According to the current legislation, the administration and employees of the resource do not have the right to disclose confidential user data or transfer it to third parties. There is a set of technical measures that prevent intruders from accessing information.

However, there are situations when police officers may have access to data after a relevant court order or in the event of a sale of a business. In the latter case, the new owner gains access to the data after the restructuring and undertakes to guarantee the security of the data in accordance with applicable law.

What is a cookie? uses cookies - text files that are installed on the user"s computer, accumulate and store information. Cookies are not intended to collect personally identifiable information.

Cookie types:

  • statistical - analyze information about the content viewed by the user and movement around the site, are used to improve the resource;
  • technical - help to optimize the web portal for the technical features of the software and the user"s browser;
  • functional - save user settings for the convenience of using the site;
  • third-party - based on statistics, they allow the use of data from third-party resources, for example, to display relevant advertising banners.

Cookies help analyze user preferences based on the pages visited, remember settings such as the selected language, location, login during authentication, help improve services and customize advertising for the target audience.

How are cookies stored?

Cookies are stored on the computer for as long as necessary to perform their functions, and then automatically deleted from the computer. The resource immediately asks the user for permission to use and install cookies. If you do not accept the request, then part of the portal functionality will be unavailable. You can delete cookies and cancel their use in the settings of any browser.

Cookie access rights: who can view the information?

Unlike personal data, cookies are widely used on the Internet by third parties such as search engines. This makes it possible to develop Internet content, optimize the operation of services, and find and fix faults. The purpose of cookies is to summarize and analyze user actions, which is used to improve the ease and convenience of using resources and web portals.

The Service has the right to use data collection systems and analytics systems of third parties (third parties) on the website in order to improve the services provided and the quality of the website. The data collected by such systems is used by them in accordance with their regulations.

Security of customers" personal information

Clients" personal data is protected by law, software and the efforts of the portal"s technical department. However, there is a risk of unauthorized hacking of accounts. Users are advised to be careful about the security of their own data and not to share their password with anyone to log into their account.

In the event that there is a suspicion of account hacking, you should immediately notify the technical support staff. If the user has forgotten or lost the password, then you can restore it using a special form on the site. It is enough to follow the instructions of the administrative mailing that come to the e-mail address.